此外,繼母親瑪琪琳(Marchelin Bertrand)於6年前因卵巢癌逝世後,如今又有親人患癌離世,一般咸信,將影響裘莉加快做切除卵巢手術!黛比的丈夫也透露,太太生前很支持裘莉接受切除手術。
此外,針對裘莉切乳跟基因公司「Myriad Genetics」有利益牽扯的消息,美國媒體發現散佈消息的源頭是一個叫《NaturalNews》的網站,這家網站是由麥克亞當斯創辦,文章内容都以傳播另類醫療和陰謀論消息為主,名聲相當不好,許多業內人士對麥克亞當斯的評價,包括「危險的陰謀論怪咖」、「劣跡斑斑的網路庸醫」等,也有榜單將《NaturalNews》網站列入「最差的十大反科學網站之一」。
另一方面,裘莉在承認接受預防性雙乳組織切除手術後,一直沒有公開露面,儘管她在公開信中詳細交代自己有「重建乳房」,但外界對她現在的胸部形狀,仍然很留意。有瑞典畫家喬安安德森(Johan Andersson),為此繪畫了一幅裘莉手術後裸露上半身的油畫,而且胸部位置沒有畫上乳頭。(如下圖/達志影像)
原文網址: 裘莉「無乳相」油畫曝光 恐提前切除卵巢 | 娛樂新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2013/05/28/340-2944012.htm#ixzz2UjUmG2vw
Angelina Jolie post-mastectomy topless portrait to be sold for charity
Swedish artist Johan Andersson’s controversial nude painting is expected to fetch around $22,000.
Swedish Artist Johan Andersson made an oil painting featuring a topless post-mastectomy Angelina Jolie.
Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie announced that she elected to have a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer, Swedish artist Johan Andersson has unveiled a controversial nude portrait of the actress post-surgery.
Andersson, the youngest artist to be exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery, is known for an acclaimed posthumous portrait of Amy Winehouse.
Proceeds from the sale of the Jolie painting will go to Falling Whistles, a charity that campaigns for peace in the Congo. The Daily Mail reports that the painting is expected to net around $22,000.
In a statement to Art Below, the gallery selling his portrait, Andersson explained that Jolie's decision hit close to home.
"My mother had aggressive breast cancer when I was 15," Andersson said. "The thought of her having to have a mastectomy really scared me, and she was fortunate enough to have surgery without the mastectomy."
"The recent news about Angelina stirred an anxiety within me leading me to paint this portrait," Andersson continued. "There is an underlying awkwardness in her demeanor in juxtaposition to the natural beauty of her face."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/angelina-jolie-post-mastectomy-topless-portrait-sold-charity-article-1.1353718#ixzz2UjWOdpsL