Sunday, 20 November 2011

How to Protect Your Facebook Profile

I found many Facebook user dun know how to protech and defend hacker to hack your facebook account  , so we need to learn some skill for defend. hope can help you.
Here are our tips to protect your Facebook  profile.
Don’t click on suspicious links: Spammers will attempt to flood your newsfeed with links encouraging you to click for special offers, games, or even apps that don’t exist (one popular scam advertised a “dislike” button you could download). Carefully consider what you click on. Note that any link that takes you away from the Facebook site and requests personal information is likely illegitimate.
Don’t accept unknown friend requests: Only add people you actually know. Socialbots (malware that mimics humans on social sites) will create fake profiles and request friendship to gain access to your info. It’s best to stick to contacts you know are legitimate.
Never paste lines of code into your browser bars: No matter how convenient it may seem, don’t copy/paste code into your browser. This is often a ploy that gives hackers power to distribute malware (this is the technique the most recent scam used). Instead, type in the URL address of any site you intend to access. Make sure you have the most up-to-date version of your browser, too. Also beware of popups or requests to install programs such as video viewers.
Police your friends: If you receive suspicious or uncharacteristic messages from your contacts, such as a “sexy photos” post from your mom, verify that they actually sent it. Don’t click the link; report it instead.
Turn on https:// browsing on your Facebook settings: This setting limits the content you can see, but it will protect you against spammers. Go to Account Settings, click on Security, then enable Secure Browsing.
Download Facebook security software: You should already have a full security suite installed and updated (firewall and anti-virus), but you should also protect yourself with additional software. ZoneAlarm’s SocialGuard protects you on Facebook by notifying you if your account gets hacked and alerting you to malicious links—best of all, the trial is free (download here).
Don’t post personal info: Never post financial or personal information that can be used for identity theft or fraud. You can also decrease your chances of being hacked by using separate usernames and passwords for all your social media accounts


相信放弃目标和忘记目标都是每个人这辈子都会发生的事, 但是每当我们发现自己放弃时和忘记事会发现吗?

很多时候我们都是因为某些因素或理由而来放弃, 其实这都不懂是不是对的。 有的时候是觉得自己的目标其实对自己来讲不是那么重要。 有没有都无需为 , 所以放弃就多个不多。
这样的态度就会让你每天都放弃目标了。 在新的一年开始(一月) 比如你设定四个目标, 过了一个星期, 全都放弃了, 因为一个星期有七天。

忘记, 都不关我自己的事, 我的头脑自己忘记了。  忘记的东西是永远不会被拥有的。

在最近, 发现自己已经定过很多的目标, 但是只达到20% 吧了, 80% 的都是放弃和忘记 , 觉得太难的就放弃 , 不什么吸引的目标就忘记 。

真的, 大家认真的设定你人生的目标, 不要忘记, 不要放弃。 要“牛” , 死都要的精神。

我在将来的日子就是这样“牛”了, 希望你也一样, 一起“牛”吧。 
你看它 "犀牛“ , 那副画是” 独角兽“ 也是传说中有角的马。 这只犀牛都是头脑简单的努力, 兴奋的健身希望能变” 独角兽“ 。 当我看到这图画时, 开始觉得好笑, 但是想想下, 我失败过着这只犀牛 。 因为我的放弃和忘记 。

Saturday, 19 November 2011


有时在非常压力和紧张的环境下工作, 相信你也有过这样的经过就是, 整个人停顿了一段时间, 才发现自己在做什么。 就在一个傍晚的星期五, 我放工回着家, 在车上塞着长长的车龙, 一直想着工作的细节和安排,忽然间我不知自己在做什么, 打开了收音机, 竟然在播放着我熟悉的歌曲, 就整个人放轻松和开朗的自己在车上唱起歌来, 过后我就发现原来音乐真的可以减少压力和放松。 但是这个分享只是要告诉你, 你不一定也是可以使用这方法,因为每个人的性格,习惯和环境都有大不同, 我有个朋友认为听歌就很烦, 而让到他很压力, 所以你需要自己去发现,寻找属于自己的减压方式, 希望我这个分享可以帮到你, 度过每天的压力, 开心工作 。

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